The int prototype ($int_proto) defines verbs that perform operations on the receiver, which will be of type INT. All verbs are of the general form:
any int:verb(...)
Where int may be a integer literal or an expression returning a integer value.
INT int:is_even()
Returns true if int is an even integer.
1:is_even() => 0
2:is_even() => 1
INT int:is_odd()
Returns true if int is an odd integer.
1:is_odd() => 1
2:is_odd() => 0
INT int:gcd(INT other)
Calculates the greatest common divisor of int and other.
54:gcd(24) => 6
68:gcd(32) => 4
INT int:lcm(INT other)
Calculates the least common multiple of int and other.
12:lcm(26) => 156
68:lcm(32) => 544
INT int:is_prime()
Returns true if int is a prime number.
2203:is_prime() => 1
STR int:tostr([INT base])
Returns the string representation of int in the specified base. If base is not specified, it defaults to 10. The base must be between 2 and 16, inclusive.
44:tostr() => "44"
44:tostr(10) => "44"
44:tostr(2) => "101100"
44:tostr(16) => "2C"
STR index:chr()
Returns the character at index in the MOO subset of the ASCII character set (the printable characters). If index is outside that set, the verb raises E_INVARG.
44:chr() => ","
94:chr() => "^"